Watch our Cubs GROW!
Quarles Cub

G - Give your best effort R - Respect others O - Own your actions W - Have a Winning attitude Go, Cubs, Go!!

Cubs of the Week
cubs of the week
QES Cubs of the Week for Jan. 31
Cubs of the week
Cubs of the week
QES Cubs of the Week for Jan. 31
Cubs of the week
cubs of the week
QES Cubs of the Week for Jan 31
Cubs of the week
Cubs of the week
QES Cubs of the Week for Jan. 31
Lighthouse Honorees

Congratulations to Quarles Elementary's most recent Lighthouse Honorees

Jan. Employees of the Month
employees of month
Congratulations to QES staff of the month for January! Mrs. Spell, Teacher of the Month and Ms. Ingram, Staff of the Month!
Cubs of the Month for January!
cubs of month

We are so proud of these Cubs for Teamwork throughout the Month of January!

Cubs of the Month for January!
cub of month

Cubs of the Month for Quarles Elementary- We are so proud of these Cubs for Teamwork throughout the Month of January!

Cubs of the Month for January!
cubs of month

Cubs of the Month for Quarles Elementary- We are so proud of these Cubs for Teamwork throughout the Month of January!

Cubs of the Month for January!
cubs of the month

Cubs of the Month for Quarles Elementary- We are so proud of these Cubs for Teamwork throughout the Month of January!

Cubs of the Month for January!
Cubs of the month

Cubs of the Month for Quarles Elementary- We are so proud of these Cubs for Teamwork throughout the Month of January!